Yoga Teacher Training



Take your practice to the next level

Are you curious to learn more about yoga? Ready to take your alignment, practice, knowledge of yoga or teaching to the next level?

Open to all curious students and yoga teachers to deepen your practice and understanding of yoga asana, breath, alignment & techniques, history behind yoga, energetics and so much more.

What will you learn?

Start your journey aligning the outer body. Learn correct asana technique and physical alignment. Then we will explore the deeper, more subtle layers – breath (pranayama), vayus, bandhas, nadis and chakras to enrich your yoga journey.

The aim is to set solid foundations of your practice and help you discover the fascinating layers of yoga, it’s history, the myths behind the asanas and so much more.

  • Move your body – practice daily (asana + pranayama).
  • Asana workshops to breakdown postures, alignment and techniques.
  • Lay solid foundations for your yoga asana + breath practice.
  • Unlocking bandhas, vayus and more

What’s Covered?

In addition to practicing yoga, breath, meditation and learning more about foundational yoga alignment, we’ll also take a deeper dive to discuss and explore other areas of yoga philosophy, science and energy.

History & Philosophy of Yoga

  • Understand where Yoga originated
  • Historical timeline of Yoga
  • The evolution of Yoga; past to present day
  • Key Yogic philosophies and how they relate to the modern world

Yoga Anatomy & Physiology

  • Understand functional alignment, how to feel better in the postures
  • Meditation techniques and breath practices to de-stress

Yoga Energetics – The Inner World of Yoga

  • Pranayama (yogic breathing techniques)
  • Understanding the Koshas
  • Learn about Chakras
  • And so much more…



Ready to take the next steps in your yoga journey?

The best way to take your practice to the next level is by doing a 200hr Teacher Training. You’ll take a deeper dive into all aspects of yoga, living your lifes purpose and connecting with like-minded people to Transform Your Life.

A 200 hour foundations Yoga Teacher Training is one of the most transformative, insightful months you’ll have. It offers you a holistic experience of yoga, pranayama, anatomy & physiology, yoga philsosophy and Sooo much more…

What will you learn?Kat Clayton yoga mentorship with yoga student in Thailand at retreat centre on a yoga retreat

  • The History & Philosophy of Yoga
  • Alignment of foundational postures
  • Meditation
  • Pranayama and Yogic Breathing Techniques
  • Anatomy & Physiology
  • Sequencing
  • The Business of Yoga

You’ll take away so much more…

Teacher training students often say the teacher training gave them skills and knowledge has helped in career and life transitions, reducing stress and anxiety, forming new friendships.

After the training, you’ll have a greater tool kit to nagivate through life’s ups and downs with greater clarity and courage. You’ll know a LOT more about yoga and walk away with the skills and certificate to teach yoga.

Kat Clayton assisting a yoga student into wheel pose, teaching a yoga workshop on a yoga retreat in Thailand at Samhita Wellness and Yoga Retreat Centre

If you'd like to find out about Teacher Training and opportunities to work with Kat - Please get in touch!

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